Yoga Asanas with Pictures and Names PDF

Yoga asanas with pictures and names pdf download: All Yoga Asanas / Poses With Picture, Names & Benefits in Hindi PDF download link is available below in the article, download PDF of All Yoga Asanas / Poses With Picture, Names & Benefits in Hindi using the direct link given at the bottom of content. The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word which means to attach, join. Yoga originated from ancient times and the importance of yoga also exists today, even today people are given more emphasis to yoga and asanas.

चित्रों और नामों के साथ योग आसन पीडीएफ प्रदान कर रहे हैं। योग आपके दिमाग और शरीर को फिट और फाइन रखने के लिए सबसे महत्वपूर्ण तरीकों में से एक है। कई जादुई योग आसन हैं जो आपको योग की मदद से खुद को ठीक करने में मदद करते हैं।

यदि आप अपने घर पर 2000 योग आसनों को और सीखना चाहते हैं तो आप इस लेख में दी गई पीडीएफ फाइल को डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। जैसा कि आप जानते हैं कि कोविड -10 महामारी के बाद, लोग अपने स्वास्थ्य और फिटनेस के बारे में अधिक जागरूक हो गए क्योंकि उन्होंने महसूस किया कि स्वास्थ्य ही वास्तविक धन है।

Yoga asanas with pictures and names pdf

But for beginners it is important to first learn the different yoga steps and poses with the help of videos and books that provide step by step guides to learn yoga. To learn the various yoga with step by step illustration and guide here we are going to provide you with the book pdf on all yoga asanas with pictures and names pdf.

आधुनिक परिदृश्य में मानसिक स्वास्थ्य भी महत्वपूर्ण है जहां लोग क्रोधित, निराश और परेशान हो रहे हैं। योग न केवल आपके शरीर को फिट और बीमारी से दूर रखता है बल्कि आपको मानसिक रूप से शांत और शांतिपूर्ण भी रखता है जो अंततः एक बेहतरीन गुणवत्तापूर्ण जीवन की ओर ले जाता है।

If one wants to be physically good and healthy then it is important to include yoga with their daily routine to get rid from various diseases and various day to day problems.

Yoga asanas with pictures and names pdf book details

  • Book Name –yoga asanas with pictures and names pdf download
  • Format– PDF
  • Size– mb
  • Page- 613
  • Subject– Yoga
  • Language– English and Hindi

All yoga asanas with pictures and names pdf book Contents

Yoga for you
Philosophy of yoga
Asanas for you
Yoga for stress
Pranayama with props
Yoga for ailments

All Yoga Asanas / Poses With Picture, Names PDF & Benefits | विभिन्न प्रकार की बीमारियों अथवा अंगों के लिए आसनों की सूची।

पेट की बीमारियों में (For Stomach Illness)

उत्तानपादासन (Uttanpaadasan)
पवनमुक्तासन (Pavanmuktaasan)
वज्रासन (Vajraasan)
योगमुद्रासन (Yogmudraasan)
भुजंगासन (Bhujangaasan)
मत्स्यासन (Matsyaasan)

सिर की बीमारियों में (Head Illness)

सर्वांगासन (Sarvangaasan)
शीर्षासन (Sheershaasan)
चंद्रासन (Chandraasan)

मधुमेह के लिए (For Diabetes)

पश्चिमोतानासन (Paschimotaanaasan)
नौकासन (Naukaasan)
वज्रासन (Vajraasan)
भुजंगासन (Bhujangaasan)
हलासन (Halaasan)
शीर्षासन (Sheershaasan)

वीर्यदोष के लिए आसन

सर्वांगासन (Sarvangaasan)
वज्रासन (Vajraasan)
योगमुद्रासन (Yogmudraasan)

गले के लिए योग

सुप्तवज्रासन (Suptavajrasana)
भुजंगासन (Bhujangasana)
चंद्रासन (Chandrasana)

आँखों के लिए आसन

सर्वांगासन (Sarvangasana)
शीर्षासन (Sheershaasan)
चक्रासन (Chakrasana)
भुजंगासन (Bhujangasana)

गठिया के लिए आसन

सुप्तवज्रासन (Suptavajrasana)
पवनमुक्तासन (Pawanmuktasan)
पद्मासन (Padmasana)
मत्स्यासन (Matsyasan)
उष्ट्रासन (Ustrasana)

नाभि के लिए योग

धनुरासन (Dhanurasana)
नाभि-आसन (Naabhiaasan
भुजंगासन (Bhujangasana)


उत्तानपादासन (Uttanapadasana)
भुजंगासन (Bhujangasana)
सर्वांगासन (Sarvangasana)
ताड़ासन (Taadaasan)

कमर दर्द के लिए आसन

हलासन (Hallasan)
भुजंगासन (Bhujangasana)
चक्रासन (Chakrasana)
धनुरासन (Dhanurasana)

फेफड़ों के लिए आसन

वज्रासन (Vajrasana)
मत्स्यासन (Matsyasan)
सर्वांगासन (Sarvangasana)

यकृत के लिए

लतासन (Latasan)
पवनमुक्तासन (Pawanmuktasan)
यानासन (Yanasan)

गुदा, बवासीर, भगन्दर आदि में

उत्तानपादासन (Uttanapadasana)
जानुशिरासन (Janushirasan)
सर्वांगासन (Sarvangasana)
यानासन (Yanasan)

दमा में योग

सुप्तवज्रासन (Suptavajrasana)
मत्स्यासन (Matsyasan)
भुजंगासन (Bhujangasana)

Yoga Asanas with Pictures and Names PDF – Type Of Asanas

1. ARDHA CHAKRSANA (HALF WHEEL POSTURE) This posture resembles half wheel in final position, so it’s called Ardha Chakrasana or half wheel posture.
2. TADASANA (PALM TREE POSE) In Sanskrit ‘Tada’ means palm tree. In the final position of this posture, the body is steady like a Palm tree, so this posture called as ‘Tadasana’.
3. TRIKONASANA(TRIANGLE POSTURE) The final position of this posture looks like a ‘triangle’ in shape, so it’s called Trikonasa or triangular stretch pose.
4. VEERABHADRASANA -2 ‘Veera Bhadra’ is one of the Gana (can call as Soldier) of Lord Shiva. This pose dedicated to him, so this posture is called as Veerabhadrasana. This posture also called as Warrior pose.
5. PARSHWA KONASANA (SIDE ANGLE POSTURE) In Sanskrit ‘Parshwa’ means Side, ‘Kona’ means angle. In the final position of this posture, the body forms a side angle, so this posture called as Parshwa Konasana.
6. BHUJANGAASANA The final position of this posture emulates the action of cobra raising itself just prior to striking at its prey, so it’s called cobra posture or Bhujangasan.
7. PADAHASTASANA Pada” means foot, “hasta” means hand. So the exact English translation is the foot hand pose. This asana widely called as the forward bending posture.
8. USTRASANA The final position of this posture looks like Camel, so its called camel posture or Ustrasana.
‘Marjara’ means Cat, this posture imitates the periodical upward and down word stretching of the Cat, so it’s called Marajarasana.
10. PASCHIMOTTANASANA Paschima means back or west, ‘uttana’ means to stretch, in this posture back stretches nicely, so-called back stretching pose. This posture also called as Ugrasana.
11. ARDHA MATSYENDRASANA (HALF-SPINAL TWIST POSE) Great yogi Matsyendra Nath did meditation in this posture. So this posture called as Ardha Matsyendrasana.
12. PADMASANA ‘Padma’ means lotus, the final position of this posture looks like lotus, so it is called Padmasana.
13. ANANTA SHAYANASANA Ananta shayana’ refers to Lord Vishnu. During ‘maha pralaya’ Lord Vishnu slept above ‘Adishesha’(1000 headed serpent) in this position. So this posture called as Ananta Shayanasana.
14. PAVANA MUKTASANA In Sanskrit ‘Pawan’ means wind, ‘Mukta’ means release. This posture is very useful in removing wind from the intestines and stomach. So this posture called as “Pawan muktasana”.
15. PURVAUTTANASAN Purva’ refers to the front part of the body.‘Uttana’ means raising. The front part of the body is rising in the final position of this posture, so it’s called “Purvottanasana“.
16. VRKSHAASANA(TREE POSTURE) ‘Vrksha’ means tree, the final position of the posture resembles a tree. So it is called Vrkshasana or one leg stand.
17. GARUDASANA (EAGLE POSE) Garuda is the vehicle of Lord Vishnu. This posture resembles garuda or eagle so it’s called as Garudasana.
18. SHALABHASANA (LOCUST POSTURE) ‘Shalabha’ means Locust, The final position of this posture imitate the tail of a locust, so this posture called as Shalabhasana or Locust posture.
19. DHANURASANA (BOW POSTURE) Dhanur means ‘bow’, in the final position of this posture the body resembles a bow, so this posture called Dhanurasana or Bow posture.
20. ARDHA HALASANA (HALF PLOUGH POSE) Ardha’ means half, ‘hala’ means plough, the final position of this pose resembles a half plough, so it’s called as Ardha Halasana.
21. VIPAREETA KARANI MUDRA In Sanskrit ‘Vipareeta’ means inverted,‘karani’ means to get done, mudra means psychic attitude; so the English translation of this practice is the inverted psychic attitude.
22. SARVANGASANA (SHOULDER STAND) In Sanskrit ‘Sarva anga’ means the whole body. The whole body getting benefited by this posture, so it’s called so. The most common English name for this posture is shoulder stand pose. This is one of the very useful yoga postures. This posture called as the Queen of all the postures, whereas headstand called as the King of Postures.
23. UTTANA PADASANA In Sanskrit ‘Uttana’ means raising, ‘pada’ means foot. In the final position of this posture both feet are rising; so this posture called as Uttana Padasana.
24. HALASANA (PLOUGH POSE) In Sanskrit ‘Hala’ means Plough. The final position of this posture resembles a plough, so this posture called as Halasana or the plough pose.
25. CHAKRASANA (WHEEL POSTURE) Chakra’ means wheel. The body looks like wheel shape in the final position of this posture, so it’s called as Chakrasana.
26. NAUKASANA (BOAT POSTURE) In Sanskrit ‘Nauka’ means boat; the final position of this posture resembles a boat, so this posture called as Naukasana.
27. GOMUKHASANA In Sanskrit ‘gomukha’ means cows face. This posture resembles the face of a contented cow, so this posture called as Gomukhasana.
28. SHAVASANA (RELAXING POSE) ‘Shava’ means dead body. Lying down on the floor like the dead body is called Shavasana. One of the main classical texts of yoga, called hatha yoga pradeepika written by Yogi Swatmarama in the 16th century explains Shavasana as below.
29. MAKARAASANA ‘Makara’ means crocodile, relaxing on the floor facing downwards steadily same like the crocodile, so it’s called “Makarasana“.

yoga asanas with pictures and names pdf
