Use of Was and Were in Hindi (English Translation) – Learning Charts, Examples and Exercise with Solution for Practice

जब वाक्य के अंत में था, थी, थीं’ या ‘थे’ मुख्य क्रिया के रूप रहता है, तब was/were का प्रयोग होता है, जैसा कि आप नीचे दिए गए उदाहरणों में पाएँगे।

Use of Was and Were Charts

Person Singular


First Person

I was happy. मैं खुश था We were happy. हमलोग खुश थे।

Second Person

You were happy. तुम/आप खुश थे। You were happy. तुमलोग/आपलोग खुश थे।

Third Person

He was happy.

She   was happy.

It was happy.

Ram was happy.

वह/राम खुश था/थी।

They were happy. –

वे लोग खुश थे।

The boys  were happy. –

लड़के खुश थे।


Use of Was & Were Solved Examples:

  1. मैं गरीब था। I was poor.
  2. हमलोग उपस्थित थे। We were present.
  3. तुम उदास थे। You were sad.
  4. आपलोग अनुपस्थित थे।  You were absent.
  5. राम तैयार था। Ram was ready.
  6. वह खुश थी। She was happy.
  7. वह व्यस्त था। He was busy.
  8. लड़के प्रसन्न थे। The boys were happy.
  9. यह बेकार था। It was useless.

Note: Am/Is का Past-Was. Are का Past-Were.

Use of Was & Were in Assertive Sentences

  1. मैं एक विद्यार्थी था। I was a student.
  2. तुम एक कलाकार थे। You were an artist.
  3. आप एक कवि थे। You were a poet.
  4. वह एक चालक था। He was a driver.
  5. राम एक नाविक था। Ram was a sailor.
  6. वह एक नर्तकी थी। She was a dancer.
  7. हमलोग डॉक्टर थे। We were doctors.
  8. आपलोग शिक्षक थे। You were teachers.
  9. वे लोग मजदूर थे। They were labourers.

Use of Was & Were in Negative Sentences

Negative Sentences बनाना आप सीख चुके हैं। was/were के साथ भी वैसा ही करें, यानी was/were के बाद not लगा दें।

  1. मैं तैयार नहीं था। I was not ready.
  2. हमलोग लाचार नहीं थे। We were not helpless.
  3. तुम उपस्थित नहीं थे। You were not present.
  4. आपलोग मेहनती नहीं थे। You were not laborious.
  5. वह शिक्षित नहीं थी। She was not educated.
  6. वे लोग थके नहीं थे। They were not tired.
  7. हमलोग किसान नहीं थे। We were not farmers.
  8. आप एक नेता नहीं थे। You were not a leader.
  9. वह कलाकार नहीं था। He was not an artist.

Use of Was & Were in Interrogative Sentences

कुछ प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य ‘क्या’ से शुरू होते हैं। आप ऐसे वाक्यों का अनुवाद Subject के अनुसार Was/Were से शुरू करें। जैसे

  1. क्या मैं गलत था? Was I wrong?
  2. क्या मैं पागल था? Was I mad?
  3. क्या तुम गरीब थे? Were you poor?
  4. क्या वे लोग दुःखी थे? Were they sad?
  5. क्या सीता सुंदर थी? Was Sita beautiful?
  6. क्या लड़के तेज थे? Were the boys intelligent?
  7. क्या रवि और गोपी दोषी थे? Were Ravi and Gopi guilty?
  8. क्या वह एक चोर था? Was he a thief?
  9. क्या वे लोग शिक्षक थे? Were they teachers?
