जब वाक्य के अंत में था, थी, थीं’ या ‘थे’ मुख्य क्रिया के रूप रहता है, तब was/were का प्रयोग होता है, जैसा कि आप नीचे दिए गए उदाहरणों में पाएँगे।
Use of Was and Were Charts
Person | Singular |
Plural |
First Person |
I was happy. मैं खुश था | We were happy. हमलोग खुश थे। |
Second Person |
You were happy. तुम/आप खुश थे। | You were happy. तुमलोग/आपलोग खुश थे। |
Third Person |
He was happy.
She was happy. It was happy. Ram was happy. वह/राम खुश था/थी। |
They were happy. –
वे लोग खुश थे। The boys were happy. – लड़के खुश थे।
Use of Was & Were Solved Examples:
- मैं गरीब था। I was poor.
- हमलोग उपस्थित थे। We were present.
- तुम उदास थे। You were sad.
- आपलोग अनुपस्थित थे। You were absent.
- राम तैयार था। Ram was ready.
- वह खुश थी। She was happy.
- वह व्यस्त था। He was busy.
- लड़के प्रसन्न थे। The boys were happy.
- यह बेकार था। It was useless.
Note: Am/Is का Past-Was. Are का Past-Were.
Use of Was & Were in Assertive Sentences
- मैं एक विद्यार्थी था। I was a student.
- तुम एक कलाकार थे। You were an artist.
- आप एक कवि थे। You were a poet.
- वह एक चालक था। He was a driver.
- राम एक नाविक था। Ram was a sailor.
- वह एक नर्तकी थी। She was a dancer.
- हमलोग डॉक्टर थे। We were doctors.
- आपलोग शिक्षक थे। You were teachers.
- वे लोग मजदूर थे। They were labourers.
Use of Was & Were in Negative Sentences
Negative Sentences बनाना आप सीख चुके हैं। was/were के साथ भी वैसा ही करें, यानी was/were के बाद not लगा दें।
- मैं तैयार नहीं था। I was not ready.
- हमलोग लाचार नहीं थे। We were not helpless.
- तुम उपस्थित नहीं थे। You were not present.
- आपलोग मेहनती नहीं थे। You were not laborious.
- वह शिक्षित नहीं थी। She was not educated.
- वे लोग थके नहीं थे। They were not tired.
- हमलोग किसान नहीं थे। We were not farmers.
- आप एक नेता नहीं थे। You were not a leader.
- वह कलाकार नहीं था। He was not an artist.
Use of Was & Were in Interrogative Sentences
कुछ प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य ‘क्या’ से शुरू होते हैं। आप ऐसे वाक्यों का अनुवाद Subject के अनुसार Was/Were से शुरू करें। जैसे
- क्या मैं गलत था? Was I wrong?
- क्या मैं पागल था? Was I mad?
- क्या तुम गरीब थे? Were you poor?
- क्या वे लोग दुःखी थे? Were they sad?
- क्या सीता सुंदर थी? Was Sita beautiful?
- क्या लड़के तेज थे? Were the boys intelligent?
- क्या रवि और गोपी दोषी थे? Were Ravi and Gopi guilty?
- क्या वह एक चोर था? Was he a thief?
- क्या वे लोग शिक्षक थे? Were they teachers?