The S block Elements Class 11 Notes Pdf Download

Hello reader, it’s time to learn the s block elements of class 11 notes of chemistry NCERT Solution. Download the s block Elements Class 11 Notes Pdf from us. The s block Elements chapter is the chapter of the inorganic chemistry unit of class 11 NCERT Solution. Do you know, what is s block as well as which element is known as an s block element.

What do you mean by s block elements? Describe it with an example in brief.

S block Elements – Those elements are known as s block elements whose electronic configuration is ended with s sub orbit. The general electronic configuration of s block elements is ns1 – 2. Like – sodium, magnesium, calcium, etc. This is a part of the periodic table and you have learned some points of the periodic table in previous class 10th. You have learned a lot of terms of the periodic table in class 10th, like – periods, groups, blocks, the nickname of blocks as well as physical properties, etc.

S block Elements Class 11 Notes Pdf

According to the Class 11th Chemistry syllabus, S block Elements is the 10th chapter of the chemistry book. It is also called alkali and alkaline earth metals elements. As you know, our modern periodic tables divide into four blocks and in them, s block is 1st block. Let’s learn the group of S block Elements. According to the modern periodic tables, There are 18 groups in them but only the 1st and 2nd groups are in the s block. The 1st and 2nd groups of s block elements are known as alkali and alkaline earth metal respectively.

Let’s learn the groups of s block elements of the class 11 chemistry chapter of NCERT Book Solutions. Let’s start to read from 1st group of s block elements.

Alkali Group Elements

The 1st group of s block elements are also known as alkali elements. There are seven elements in alkali group elements where all elements are metal except hydrogen. Let’s know the elements name of alkali group elements. Hydrogen, Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, Cesium and Francium. In all of them are metal elements but hydrogen is the non-metal element.

Let’s know the Physical and Chemical properties as well as the Electronic configuration of Alkali Group Elements.

Elements Name, its Atomic Number and Atomic Mass

Element Name Atomic Number Atomic Mass(approx)
Hydrogen 1 1
Lithium 3 7
Sodium 11 23
Potassium 19 39
Rubidium 37 85
Cesium 55 133
Francium 87 223
s block elements class 11 ppt

Elements Name and their Electronic configuration

Element Name Electronic configuration
Hydrogen 1s1
Lithium [He] 2s1
Sodium [Ne] 3s1
Potassium [Ar] 4s1
Rubidium [Kr] 5s1
Cesium [Xe] 6s1
Francium [Rn] 7s1
s block elements class 11 ppt

Alkaline Earth Group Elements

The 2nd group of s block elements are also known as alkaline earth elements. There are six elements in alkali group elements where all elements are metal. Let’s know the elements name of alkali group elements. Beryllium, Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium and Radium. In all of them are metal elements.

Let’s know the Physical and Chemical properties as well as the Electronic configuration of Alkaline Earth Group Elements.

Elements Name, its Atomic Number and Atomic Mass

Element Name Atomic Number Atomic Mass(approx)
Beryllium 4 9
Magnesium 12 24
Calcium 20 40
Strontium 38 88
Barium 56 137
Radium 88 226
s block elements class 11 ppt

Elements Name and their Electronic configuration

Element Name Electronic configuration
Beryllium [He] 2s2
Magnesium [Ne] 3s2
Calcium [Ar] 4s2
Strontium [Kr] 5s2
Barium [Xe] 6s2
Radium [Rn] 7s2
s block elements class 11 ppt