Important Days PDF Download With Tricks to Learn March 17, 2023 by ReilSolar National and international important days PDF for all competitive examination age is very important this book pdf download link covers the numerous important days that everyone have to learn and keep in mind such as an hour at age international Women’s Day Labour Day and environment days etc. All this list is very long and it is very important to learn and remember the important days for exam point of view because in examination some of the important today is generally asked and If you want to smartly attempt maximum number of questions in examination then this article will give you the most important days with dates and also the tricks to learn and memorize the important day for different competitive examination like SSC banking Railway UPSC and various other competitive examination. Contents [hide]1 Important days pdf download2 All important days pdf 2.1 Important days pdf book details2.2 List of important days pdf3 All important days pdf Important days pdf tricks Important days pdf download So download this PDF of important days and try to learn with the tricks which is already given along with this book pdf to easily memorize the important days of a month it is very stressful to you to memorize with the help of tricks because the brain not able to grasp the new concepts easily. सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए राष्ट्रीय और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महत्वपूर्ण दिन पीडीएफ बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। सूची बहुत लंबी है और परीक्षा के दृष्टिकोण से महत्वपूर्ण दिनों को सीखना और याद रखना बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि परीक्षा में आज के कुछ महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न आमतौर पर पूछे जाते हैं और यदि आप परीक्षा में अधिक से अधिक प्रश्नों को स्मार्ट तरीके से हल करना चाहते हैं All important days pdf Try to learn with the tricks because it helps the students to easily remember the days with dates for longer period of time and it also gives the accuracy to correct the questions. तो यह लेख आपको आप तारीखों के साथ सबसे महत्वपूर्ण दिन और विभिन्न प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं जैसे एसएससी बैंकिंग रेलवे यूपीएससी और विभिन्न अन्य प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए महत्वपूर्ण दिन सीखने और याद रखने की ट्रिक्स भी हैं, इसलिए महत्वपूर्ण दिनों के इस पीडीएफ को डाउनलोड करें और पहले से दी गई ट्रिक्स के साथ सीखने का प्रयास करें। इस पुस्तक के साथ-साथ महीने के महत्वपूर्ण दिनों को आसानी से याद करने के लिए पीडीऍफ़ याद करना आपके लिए बहुत तनावपूर्ण है ट्रिक्स की मदद से क्योंकि मस्तिष्क नई अवधारणाओं को आसानी से समझ नहीं पाता है इसलिए ट्रिक्स के साथ सीखने की कोशिश करें क्योंकि यह छात्रों को तारीखों के साथ दिनों को आसानी से याद रखने में मदद करता है और यह सही करने की सटीकता भी देता है। प्रशन Important days pdf book details Book Name –important days and dates pdf Format– PDF Size– mb Page- 13 Subject– important days and dates Language– English and Hindi List of important days pdf JANUARY 9th January: Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas/NRI Day (India) 12th January: National Youth Day (India) 30th January: Martyr’s Day (India) FEBRUARY 4th February: World Cancer Day 28th February: National Science Day (India) MARCH 8th March: International Women’s Day 15th March: World Consumer Rights Day 18th March: Ordnance Factories’ Day (India) 24th March: World Tuberculosis (TB) Day APRIL 2nd April World Autism Awareness Day 10th April World Homeopathy Day 17th April World Hemophilia Day 22nd April Earth Day MAY 1st May International Workers Day/Labour Day 21st May Anti Terrorism Day (India) 31st May World No Tobacco Day JUNE 5th June World Environment Day 12th June World Day Against Child Labour 14th June World Blood Donor Day 15th June World Elder Abuse Awareness Day JULY 1st July Goods and Services Tax (GST) Day (India) 11th July World Population Day 18th July Nelson Mandela International Day AUGUST 12th August International Youth Day 20th August World Mosquito Day 29th August National Sports Day (India) SEPTEMBER 5th September Teachers Day (India) 14th September Hindi Diwas (India) 21st September World Alzheimer’s Day 27th September World Tourism Day OCTOBER 2nd October National Anti Drug Addiction Day 5th October World Teachers Day 12th October World Arthritis Day NOVEMBER 7th November National Cancer Awareness Day (India) 14th November World Diabetes Day 16th November National Press Day DECEMBER 1st December: World AIDS Day 2nd December: World Computer Literacy Day 2nd December World Pollution Prevention Day All important days pdf Important days pdf tricks