Quantitative Aptitude PDF download

Quantitative aptitude pdf free download: Through Quantity Aptitude Pdf Book Free Download, students will be able to solve Quantity Aptitude questions of Mathematics very easily. In which book to get good tricks so that students can solve maths questions correctly in less time and we are providing you this book pdf which is the best selling … Read more

What is Oceanography – Oceans, Polar Ice, Glaciers, Ground Water, Lakes, Rivers, Soil Moisture, Atmospheric Water Vapour

Understanding Oceanography is essential for all students Oceanography mainly helps students to understand about the ocean as we all know about 71% of the Earth’s land area is spread over the oceans in the southern as compared to the northern hemisphere Its expansion is more in the hemisphere. We know that the Pacific Ocean is … Read more

Key Points to Know before Applying for the CAT Exam

Common Admission Test which is a computer based test, it is an examination for the graduate management program. This test is mainly taken in three sections which is Herbal Ability Reasoning Comprehension Data Interpretation Logical Reasoning and Quantity Ability Test. It is of 3 hours and 1 hour is given in each section. कॉमन एडमिशन … Read more

Vedic maths PDF Download

Vedic Mathematics Book PDF Free, you can understand the method of Vedic Mathematics and solve the complex calculations like square root in less time and accurately. You will be able to complete the calculations, if you have a good hold on Mathematics, you will be able to solve the questions of Mathematics in Competitive Examination … Read more

Which movement was started by Mahatma Gandhi on March 12, 1930

A.Khilafat movement B.Noncooperation Co-operation C.Civil Disobedience Movement D.Quit India Movement Answer: Option C Solution: On March 12, 1930, Indian independence leader Mohandas Gandhi begins a defiant march to the sea in protest of the British monopoly on salt, his boldest act of civil disobedience yet against British rule in India.

Indian Dyarchy was started by

A.Indian Council Act, 1861 B.Minto-Morley Reforms, 1909 C.Indian Council Act, 1992 D.Montague-Chelmsford Reforms, 1919 Answer: Option D Solution: The Government of India act 1919 was passed on the basis of recommendations of Lord Chelmsford and Samuel Montagu to introduce self-governing institutions gradually to India. This act covered 10 years from 1919 to 1929.

In 1932, Poona Pact was signed between

A.Gandhiji and Jawahar Lal Nehru B.Gandhiji and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar C.Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and Jawahar Lal Nehru D.Gandhiji and Md. Ali Jinnah Answer: Option B Solution: The Poona Pact refers to an agreement between B. R. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi on the reservation of electoral seats for the depressed classes in the legislature of … Read more

In 1915-16 the Home Rule League movement was launched under the leadership of

A.Mohammad Ali Jinnah and G. S. Khaparde B.G. S. Khaparde and Sir S. Subramania Iyer C.Annie Besant and Bal Gangadhar Tilak D.Sir S. Subramania Iyer and Mohammad Ali Jinnah Answer: Option C Solution: Annie Besant started the Home Rule League in September, 1916, and Tilak started it in April 1916. Tilak’s movement was confined to Maharashtra … Read more

By which act of British India, was the Governor General empowered to issue ordinance

A.Indian Councils Act, 1861 B.Charter Act of 1853 C.Government of India Act, 1858 D.Indian Council Act, 1892 Answer: Option A Solution: Indian Councils Act 1861. An Act to make better Provision for the Constitution of the Council of the Governor General of India, and for the Local Government of the several Presidencies and Provinces of India, … Read more

The demand officially made by the Congress for a Constituent Assembly to frame the Constitution of India was accepted in principal by the British government in what is known as

A.Cripps Mission 1942 B.Government of India, 1935 C.Independent India 1947 D.August Offer of 1940 Answer: Option D Solution: August Offer of 1940. Roy, a pioneer of the Communist movement in India and an advocate of radical democracy. It became an official demand of the Indian National Congress in 1935, C. Rajagopalachari voiced the demand for a … Read more
